Mon-Fri: 9 am-5 pm

Sat: 9 am-5 pm

Sun: 10 am-4 pm



Buy Locally Grown Plants

There is a trend that has grown into a full-fledged movement. ‘Buy locally’ seems to be the well-deserving bandwagon that socially- and environmentally-conscious people are jumping on. The Flower Bin has lived and promoted this ideal for over 50 years. From the corner of Nelson and Sunset we have helped gardeners of all ages and experience levels fill their gardens and homes with locally-grown options for any occasion.

We have demonstrated an unwavering commitment to our customers and the community that they live in, support and help beautify. Many people use their energy and zeal for the growing season to hunt down the newest, hottest, and trendiest aspects of gardening to incorporate into their lives. ‘Going local’ now comes at the top of that list. 

For the Flower Bin, this is a tradition. Customers can find an array of choices that consists of almost completely locally-produced plants, most of which come directly from the Flower Bin and its growing range. If you are one of the Flower Bin’s loyal customers, then you have been a trend leader since your first shopping experience. You have been part of a 4-decade tradition of providing the best for local gardens and communities — congratulations.  

No matter what your motivation for choosing a garden center, be it trendy, local, traditional, community support, at-source shopping, expert staff, or unmatched selection, then the Flower Bin is and, has always been, the place for you.