Hard Goods
Our Hard Goods section is all things soil, pottery, tools, fountains and more. Keep bugs away or rascals at bay with several products available. Our pottery comes in all shapes and sizes to fit your planting needs. We have plastic pots, terracotta, ceramic, anything you could need for your potting pleasures. Looking for some aquatic décor? We’ve got fountains big and small that could be used in the garden or in your home, with pumps and tubing available to help keep the fountains flowing. For bigger pots and fountains, check out our courtyard.
Dirt vs Soil vs Compost vs Fertilizer
DIRT: The biggest difference between soil and dirt is that dirt lacks the microbes found in soil—like fungi, bacteria, archaea, protozoa, and viruses—which plants need to grow and thrive.
SOIL: Soil has four components: minerals, organic matter from decomposing plants and animals, water and air. Soil types are classified based on their dominant biological, chemical and physical properties, which is also how different soils are differentiated from one another.
COMPOST: Compost is a mix of substances and organic matter used to enrich and enhance soil, usually made by decomposing plants, food waste, and other organic materials. Compost supplies the earth with nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium and improves its ability to keep these nutrients longer. In short, compost feeds soil.
FERTILIZER: Fertilizers are organic or synthetic compounds used to nourish plants. The primary nutrients are nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus, all vital plant minerals, so farmers regularly use fertilizers to boost crop productivity. In short, fertilizer feeds plants.
Specific items, designs, or brands may vary from what is displayed or previously offered due to seasonal changes.
Seeds/Seed Staring
The Flower Bin is happy to supply you with seeds from locally owned companies; Botanical Interests, Lake Valley, and Beauty Beyond Belief. Vegetables, Annual Flowers, Perennial Flowers, Wild Flowers, Herbs, Lawn Grasses … anything imaginable. The Flower Bin is all about having the advice and supplies to make you successful. Growing Lights, Planting Medium, Trays and Inserts, Seed Tray Heaters, Plastic and peat pots, Labels and everything else!
Soil Amendments
Freshen up your garden beds by adding organic material such as compost and peat moss. Besides these options, The Flower Bin has a wide array of soils, decorative much and bark. We can help you make the best selection for your needs.
You’ll order these bags of soil/compost/mulch etc. at the Front End with one of our cashiers.
After you check out, we’ll have you then pull in between the Moose and Buffalo, where one of our employees will help you get loaded.
Bug/Weed Spray
Beneficial Insects
When carefully planned, a water garden can provide a “feeling” of water while actually using less than a conventional landscape. The Flower Bin has everything you need to a water garden. Pond liner, products to maintain your pond, pumps, and even water plants. Let our experts help with the products you need to make a beautiful water garden to complete your garden.
Exclusive Fertilizers, Weed Control, and Pesticides: Ferti-lome, Hi-Yield, and Natural Guard products for your garden and indoor plants are sold exclusively through independently own garden centers. Unlike our competitors, you will NOT find our products sold at “big box” stores. Natural Guard® by ferti•lome® is dedicated to making products that allow all homeowners to feel good about their lawn and garden choices. Now available is a full line of natural and organic fertilizers.